Baltimore City makes historic $41 million investment in recreation and green space

Originally Published

Our rec centers, our parks are the hearts of our community and they can literally save lives - Mayor Brandon Scott

Parks & People applauds Baltimore City for the historic $41 million investment in recreation and green space improvements for Baltimore Rec and Parks! We are thrilled to see Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Baltimore Rec and Parks Executive Director Reginald Moore’s commitment to our city with this vital allocation of funds: $9.9M for improving city pools, $20M for City rec center renovations, $5M towards playgrounds, $1M for trail enhancements, and $2M for athletic courts.

Active green spaces are essential to public health and safety. As we enter year three of this pandemic, parks, trail ways, playgrounds are more important than ever to Baltimore’s physical and mental health. This landmark equitable investment is paramount towards a better quality of life for all of Charm City’s residents by providing the high-quality facilities everyone deserves. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue our valued partnership with the City and stand ready to support this action and do our part to improve Baltimore through parks and green space.

Thank you to our public officials for recognizing the need for this investment in public assets that the city will benefit from for generations to come. Parks & People shares the vision for creating the best possible public assets for intergenerational health and happiness, particularly those in historically disinvested communities. We are looking forward to all of the beautiful, impactful changes this investment will build and grow!

ICYMI link to the press conference:


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