Everyone deserves a park.
Parks & People’s vision is for a Baltimore where everyone is connected to their community and to each other through a network of vibrant parks and other green spaces.
Discover local green space near you
Hamilton Elementary Middle School
Neighborhood: Westfield
Liberty Elementary School Sports Park
Neighborhood: Central Forest Park
Mighty Park
Neighborhood: Gwynns Falls
Stockton Street Park
Neighborhood: Penn North
Harlem Avenue Pocket Park
Neighborhood: Upton
Tench Tilghman Early Learning Play Space
Neighborhood: Care
Cecil Community Park
Neighborhood: East Baltimore Midway
Moravia Park Elementary Reading Garden
Neighborhood: Frankford
Frances Ellen Harper Park
Neighborhood: Sandtown
Gwynns Falls Trail
Neighborhood: East Baltimore Midway
Black Sox Memorial
Neighborhood: Westport
Solo Gibbs Park
Neighborhood: Sharp Leadenhall
Boone Street/Ujamaa Cove
Neighborhood: East Baltimore Midway
Darley Park
Neighborhood: East Baltimore Midway
McKean Avenue Park
Neighborhood: Sandtown-Winchester
Liberty Square Park
Neighborhood: Liberty Square
Henrietta Lacks Educational Park
Greenmount Park
Neighborhood: Johnston Square
Roberta's House Meditation Garden
Neighborhood: East Baltimore Midway
Salem Street Park
Neighborhood: Penn-North
Faith Lane Park
Neighborhood: Gay Street
Saratoga Gateway Park
Neighborhood: Franklin Square
Kirby Lane Park
Neighborhood: Franklin Square
Reverend William Brown Park
Neighborhood: Johnston Square
Discover local green space near you
Celebrate Our Latest Ribbon Cuttings
Parks & People Transforms Communities
Parks & People transforms and revitalizes neglected green spaces in Baltimore City. We help neighborhoods build and activate:
Pocket parks
Capital Greening Projects
Community Gardens
Large Community Parks
Post demo park projects
Microgreen spaces