Gwynns Falls Trail

4921 Windsor Mill Road
Neighborhood: East Baltimore Midway

Revitalizing 8 miles of the Historic Gywnns Falls Trail

In 1991, Congress passed the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, which funded recreational trails nationwide, inspiring Baltimore City planners to create the Gwynns Falls Trail. Over the next decade, they collaborated with the Trust for Public Land and other partners to design a 15-mile trail along the Gwynns Falls stream valley, hosting community activities like neighborhood walks and youth recreation. Today, the Gwynns Falls Trail is a 22-mile corridor for hiking and biking, running through 30 unique neighborhoods and 10 historically significant parks in Baltimore, Maryland. In June 2024, Parks & People cut the ribbon on 8 miles of improvements made to this historic trail.


This project was made possible through the State of Maryland Legislative Bond Initiative and the hard work of our staff, partners, and community members including Baltimore City Recreation and Parks - Director Reginald Moore, Friends of Gwynns Falls Leakin Park - Mike Cross-Barnet, Floura Teeter Landscape Architects - Zolna Russell.

Gwynns Falls Trail Improvements

On June 26th, 2024, under the Ben Cardin Pavilion, on the Gwynns Falls Trail, Parks & People celebrated with our community the completion of $1.5 million in improvements, revitalizing 8 miles of the Gwynns Falls Trail.


Gwynns Falls Trail

Address: 4921 Windsor Mill Rd. Baltimore 21207

Project Type: Trial