We educate tomorrow’s green leaders.
Parks & People introduces young people to our city’s green spaces.
We provide SuperKids Camp, a free summer camp for Baltimore City rising 1st-5th graders. We also offer Branches, a paid internship and workforce development after-school program for highschoolers.
For many city residents, Parks & People’s summer camp and high school internships provide their first time hiking through the woods in Druid Hill Park, eating a summer ripened tomato from a community garden, or even playing in parks around the city.
Parks & People Youth Programming
SuperKids Camp
Superkids Camp is a free six-week STEAM enrichment program and summer camp with a focus on helping elementary school students improve their scholastic skills during the summer.
Branches Internship Program
Branches is an after-school paid internship and workforce development program for Baltimore City high-schoolers, with a focus on exploring green careers.
Getting Kids Outside and Active
The majority of low to moderate-income city youth live in highly urbanized neighborhoods with limited access to natural spaces. Every year, Parks & People makes it possible for over 1,000 city 1st – 12th graders to be engaged in meaningful programs emphasizing physical activity, environmental education, college and career readiness, and character development. All our programs:
Provide safe, supervised access for kids to be outside and gain physical skills in our city’s parks
Use our parks to deepen the connection of city youth and adults to each other and their environment through hands-on education and community service
Instill attributes of teamwork, responsible decision-making and collaboration for all our youth participants, guided by trained and caring adults
We encourage you to explore our programs and join us to make this vision a reality.