Happy Black History Month 2023

Originally Published

As we celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Americans this month, it’s also important to recognize and confront the injustices and inequalities that continue to plague our society. One such injustice is the history of redlining in Baltimore, a piece of racist history which devastating and intended impact can still be seen in Baltimore today.

Last year, Dr. Lawrence Brown spoke to our campus about his work on the “Black Butterfly,” which he referred to as “ground zero of American apartheid.” Dr. Brown demonstrated how local and federal governments intentionally colluded to segregate Baltimore with some of the most drastic Jim Crow measures in the country. He showed how public housing, highways, and green space distribution are still being decided by 1930s policies.

At Parks & People, we are committed to changing the narrative and future of Baltimore’s Black Butterfly communities. With our dedicated partners, we envision these holistic redevelopments, parks included, as a model for revival in historically neglected Black communities across the United States.

We share the vision of the future of healthy communities; which are safe, clean, walkable, and where all necessities are within a 15-minute walk and supported by public transportation. Why not work together to make this transformative vision a reality here in Baltimore?

Let’s continue to work together to create a brighter future for all. Happy Black History Month!

P.S. We collaborated with local, community-based Afro-Latina artist Jaz Erenberg (IG @jaz_erenberg) to create this Black Butterfly map, which serves as a visual representation for our 40 years of work! Watch as we keep populating green space in these vital communities.


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