Darley Park Lighting Ceremony!

Originally Published

The lights at Darley Gateway Park are officially on!

Triumphantly, after 5 (yes, FIVE) years of effort, Darley Gateway Park is the first predominately African-American park in the city with high end, decorative lighting. After years of planning, designing, and implementing the community’s vision, the lights are the last piece of the puzzle to officially declare Darley Gateway Park complete. The lights not only enhance safety, but also provide more recreation time in the park.

To celebrate, we hosted a lighting ceremony and a concert from the talented jazz band Dat Feel Good, led by Clarence Ward III. Darley Park residents, partner orgs, and Councilwoman Odette Ramos attended this tiny, bright victory!

Thank you to everyone who has supported this effort and came to celebrate this milestone with us and the Darley Park community!


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